Developing your communication skills can help all aspects of your life, from your professional life to social gatherings and everything in between.
What is Effective communication skills?
The ability to communicate effectively with superiors, colleagues, and staff is essential, no matter what industry you work in. Workers in the digital age must know how to effectively convey and receive messages in person as well as via phone, email, and social media.
Good communication skills will help get hired, land promotions, and be a success throughout your career.
You will learn in this workshop:
* The Importance of Communication:
* Communication Process
*Perspectives in Communication
* Elements of communication
Face to face communication
Tone of voice
Body language
Verbal Communication
Communication Styles
Different Types of Barriers to Effective Communication
* And much more advanced information in Communication skills.
This workshop requires 2 days of training.
Upon completion of the Communication Skills Workshop you will be certified by Healthy Visions (American School of Clinical Hypnosis – USA).
Our current workshops only Certified Hypnotherapists will get NGH CEUs.
Certified Trainer: Eliane Mezher.
Cancellation policy: You may cancel up to the first day of class with a refund of any fees paid, minus the $150 nonrefundable deposit.
Bio: EM School is a Leadership School of Hypnotherapy & NLP. Its Ambition is the keys of success for students. It looks forward to utilize students’ qualifications to be professionally graduated in this field.
Healthy Visions Hypnosis and the American School of Clinical Hypnosis, International created a breakthrough model for clinical hypnosis during 38 years of hypnosis practice, training and education center that focus on hypnosis certification and training and healthcare professionals in advanced techniques.
Kindly confirm your attendance by contacting +961 3 218 212 or by sending an email to eliane@elianemezher.com.
Spots are limited so early sign up is recommended.