Be free from your past, create your future! Make it so….. With Time Line Therapy techniques
What is Timeline Therapy?
Time Line Therapy™ is a collection of techniques that allows you to gain emotional control over your life. Inappropriate emotional reactions, such as bursts of anger, periods of apathy, depression, sadness, anxiety, and chronic fear, are responsible for preventing people from achieving the quality of life they desire.
You will learn in this workshop:
• The Main Techniques.
• Basic Types of Timeline.
• Discovering the Root Cause.
• Releasing the Negative Emotions.
• And much more advanced information in TimeLine Therapy.
First time In Lebanon, Eliane Mezher & Professional Team founded in their School a new exclusiveness certificate of TIMELINE THERAPY –Certified by Healthy Visions (USA).
This workshop requires 2 days of training.
Upon completion of the TIMELINE THERAPY course you will be certified by Healthy Visions (American School of Clinical Hypnosis – USA).
Our current workshop only Certified Hypnotheraists will get NGH CEUs
Certified Trainer: Eliane Mezher.
Cancellation policy: You may cancel up to the first day of class with a refund of any fees paid, minus the $150 nonrefundable deposit.
Bio: EM School is a Leadership School of Hypnotherapy & NLP. Its Ambition is the keys of success for students. It looks forward to utilize students’ qualifications to be professionally graduated in this field.
Healthy Visions Hypnosis and the American School of Clinical Hypnosis, International created a breakthrough model for clinical hypnosis during 38 years of hypnosis practice, training and education center that focus on hypnosis certification and training and healthcare professionals in advanced techniques.
Kindly confirm your attendance by contacting +961 3 218 212 or by sending an email to eliane@elianemezher.com.
Spots are limited so early sign up is recommended.